
Students who wish to enroll at the Accelerated Learning Academy must call (480) 362-2130, fill out an enrollment form, and schedule a time for placement testing. Students must be between the ages of 16 and 21 and must be (A) at least 8 credits behind their graduation cohort, or (B) 3 credits behind in math and science combined, or (C) are 5th year seniors and beyond. 

To enroll the following is required:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Tribal enrollment (if applicable)
  3. Updated immunization records 
  4. Transcript from previous school

You will also need to request documentation from the last school attended. These include:

  1. Official withdrawal documentation 
  2. Official grade report / transcript 
  3. IEP or special education placement information 
  4. AIMS testing results

Upon submission of all these items, applicants can schedule their placement testing time. During placement testing, the transition counselor and/or job & career coach will meet with the student and guardian if the student is under the age of 18 to discuss the student contract rules in the Student Handbook.

All students and parents/legal guardians of students under the age of 18 will be required to sign the handbook policies agreement, a schedule, and a student contract that will address the following: 

  • Commitment to attend school regularly
  • Schedule of classes
  • Participation in Service Learning
  • Student Behavior Expectations 
  • Credit Expectations (minimum of 2.5 full credits per quarter must be earned)

Students may not begin school until all documents are signed and turned into the transition counselor.

Main Office l 480-362-2130
Fax l 480-362-2131

Office hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

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