The purpose of Salt River Schools, in partnership with the Community, is to provide EXEMPLARY EDUCATION in a safe learning environment IMMERSED IN THE O'ODHAM and PIIPAASH CULTURES for all students to secure a successful future.
ASBCS Charter Holder Mission Statement: The primary mission of SRPMIC Community School is to focus on teaching for learning that enhances the quality of life. To do so we will maintain a culturally sensitive school that provides: clearly stated learner outcomes for each task, a sequentially structured instruction process capable of providing diagnosis, prescriptions, feedback, and correctives as required by the individual learner, a commitment to learner success, a sufficient time to learn, criteria-referenced assessment consistent with pre-stated learning outcomes and instruction, establishment of relationships prizing the dignity and worth of each individual associated with the learning process, high expectations, a continuing commitment to program renewal which reflects learners needs, a commitment to preserving Pima/Maricopa values and culture.
Salt River Accelerated Learning Academy is an alternative school designed to meet the needs of at-risk students ages 16-21 who want to earn a high school diploma. Salt River Accelerated Learning Academy provides an intense and challenging educational environment that empowers students with the skills for a successful journey of life-long learning. The school is committed to helping students gain the academic skills and credits needed in order to obtain a high school diploma while also empowering students with career and life skills that will enable them to lead successful lives as responsible citizens of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.
Click here to view meeting notices and agendas for the Salt River Schools Education Board. This link includes access points to Education Board-approved policies and bylaws.
Charter Performance ("ASBCS Dashboard"): Click here to review the ALA's performance with regards to finance, operations, and academics.
Charter Annual Financial Reports: Click here to download a copy of the Accelerated Learning Academy's annual financial report for fiscal year 2024. The link to view all District/Charter annual financial reports can be found on the AZ Department of Education's School Finance website; the same report linked above for the ALA can be found under "Salt River Pima-Maricopa Community Schools (078656000)."
In accordance with A.R.S. §15-185(M), schools that maintain their own website must post a copy of the proposed budget or budget summary and hearing notification on the school’s website.
Employee Education & Experience Information
As a charter school, the Accelerated Learning Academy maintains information regarding each employee's educational and teaching background and experience in a particular academic content subject matter for all current employees that provide instruction to students. Please call the ALA at 480-362-2130 to request this information.
ALA Point of Contact for Public Records Requests
Timi Osif, ALA Secretary
[email protected]
Upon receiving a public records request, the ALA will provide the name, phone number, and email address of the employee authorized to provide the requested information, and we will confirm receipt of the public records request within five business days. H.B. 2587, 55th Legislature, Second Regular Session (2022).
ALA Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan
Click here to view the ALA’s Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan, which has been modified, as required by ADE. The ALA, like all Salt River Schools, follows the protocols and guidelines mandated by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, which may differ from what’s linked here. For the most updated information, please visit our COVID-19 Information page.