Salt River ABE/GED Program
Student-Led Inquiry Updates
January 2018
Salt River ABE/GED students and GED students enrolled in ENG 091, ENG 101 and CRW 160 participated in writing reflection activities in the Community Garden as a result of student interest.
Writing reflections are designed to allow students time to experience the garden and reflect on their sensory and intellectual reactions to the experience in journal freewriting and creative writing activities.
The students provided the following responses:
Reflections: Walking in the Garden
When I’m walking, I feel the crunch of the mulch under my feet. The warm sun is shining on my face. There is a light breeze and it’s cool in the shade. In the Community Garden, there are many different native plants to this region. I also observed 2 outdoor brick ovens, which I like. There are also benches to sit on to have a little quiet time. What is really cool is that they have all the plants and vegetation labeled in O’Odham.
— Travis Smith
My Asthma is not a big deal, but after the walk it was so bad. So my point being, I realized how out of shape I really am. I'm really motivated to lose my new weight. Time to drop some lbs.! The walk in the Community Garden gave me some clarity. Ever since I took that walk with Ms. Litz after having a complete meltdown, the Community Garden is clearly my safe haven♡. In my mind, the Garden is a place to clear my head. I truly appreciate the Community Garden and the people who take such wonderful care of preserving the natural beauty it shares with us all.
— Bridgette Chiago
Standing on the squishy soft ground,
the weather was sunny and cool with a slight breeze.
Walking around, observing the over-sized greasewood bush,
I started pulling a couple of little sticky leaves,
closing my eyes,
smelling the sweet rain scent,
embracing the chance to smell the sweet rain
without any
Then opening my eyes
with surprise, noticing a beautiful hummingbird gathering nectar
and greeting me
with its unique chirp.
Sitting with a friend, talking, then she notices in the distance
a huge hawk on the highest branch towards the east.
She explained to me that if it opens its wings towards you, it meant a blessing to come.
Later, tuning-in to a conversation in the background,
I heard this gentleman educate my peers about desert life and its history.
I learned a lot about cacti,
that they can live up to 125 years.
I found that very interesting.
— Terry Lynn Greymountain