Click here to print and fill out the ALA Summer School registration form. Currently and formerly enrolled ALA students are eligible for Summer School. In addition, SRPMIC students enrolled in Mesa Public Schools are eligible, but must be verified by staff from our School and Community Relations department. ALA Summer School is for students ages 16 and older.
Questions? Contact Leah James at the ALA at 480-362-2176 or email [email protected].

Below are the program requirements and information.
- Registration is due by Friday, May 14.
- Students must be at least 16 years old to apply.
- You can turn your signed/completed registration in any of the following ways:
- Email your form to [email protected].
- Mail your form to Salt River ALA / 10005 E. Osborn Rd. / Scottsdale, AZ 85256
- Call and register over the phone with Leah James at 480-362-2176.
- Students have the option of attending in-person or online.
- Summer School runs Mon-Thurs; it begins Tuesday, June 1, and ends Thursday, June 24. Teachers are not available on Fridays.
- There is no school on Monday, June 14, in recognition of SRPMIC Day.
- Students must register for one of the following sessions:
- 8 a.m. to Noon
- 12:30-4:30 p.m.
- Or one remote session
- 12:30-4:30 p.m.
- 4:30-8:30 p.m.
- Students will have email and/or phone access to their teacher during their assigned class time. If assistance is needed outside assigned hours, staff will respond the next business day.
- Each student will be provided with a laptop. Access to a Wi-Fi connection is required. If you need assistance, contact ALA Principal Jama Nacke at 480-362-2130 or [email protected]
- School-issued laptops and MiFi’s (if issued), must be returned prior to posting of grades and release of transcript.
- Students must submit notes in order to access quizzes and receive credit for the completed course.
- Every student will be provide guided notes for Edgenuity, if available.
- Teachers will review how to submit notes.
- Course Class Assignment
- ALA students may be registered in one of the classes they did not complete in the spring. (ALA will determine the class). If the assigned class is completed and time allows, another class may be assigned.
- Mesa Public Schools students will be assigned a class that is approved by their district as credit recovery.
- Attendance
- All students are required to attend their scheduled class during the full Summer School session.
- After an accumulated 8 hours of unexcused absences, students will be dropped for lack of attendance. Attendance is taken daily for each session.
- Students may also work outside of their scheduled class time.
- Transportation is not available.
COVID Protocols:
- ALA will follow protocols per guidance from SRPMIC and the SRS Education Board.
- For in-person learning, all students and staff are required to wear face masks while on campus.
- Class sizes will be limited to ensure proper physical distancing.
- Scheduling will allow students to remain in one classroom with appropriate breaks.
- Classrooms and common areas will be cleaned after every session.