ALA Senior Recognition Drive-Thru Parade

ALA Senior Recognition Drive-Thru Parade
Posted on 06/23/2020
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Out of respect for our Community families grieving another loss to COVID-19 and to exercise an abundance of caution and care, we have canceled this event.

We will honor the Accelerated Learning Academy Class of 2020 in another meaningful way.

We pray for everyone's safety, health, and healing.

Questions? Call the ALA at 480-362-2130.

Help us celebrate the ALA Class of 2020 at the Senior Recognition Drive-Through Parade on Wednesday, June 24, beginning at 7 p.m.


The parade will take place in the SRPMIC baseball field parking lot just east of the Salt River Community Building along Longmore Road (click the map below for directions).

Although many events have been canceled due to COVID-19, it is important we honor these amazing young adults and their academic, athletic, and personal achievements. Please note: This event will adhere to all safety measures implemented by the Community and practice social distancing requirements of staying at least 6 feet away from others, which is why this event is drive-through only and spectators must stay in their vehicles.


Family, friends, teachers, and well-wishers are invited to participate. Here’s what you need to know:

  • At 6:30 p.m., ALA graduates will meet in the baseball field parking lot (located just east of the Salt River Community Building along Longmore Road).
  • The parade will start at 7 p.m. 
  • Please honk and cheer for these students! We also encourage you to decorate your vehicles and make signs!
  • Please do not stop your vehicle; traffic should move at a consistently slow pace the whole time.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We appreciate everyone’s patience and adherence to Community safety measures as we celebrate our seniors and all they have accomplished.


Thank you!


 Jama Nacke, ALA Principal

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