Welcome to the ALA! We offer tremendous opportunities to support every student's journey to obtain their high school diploma. Here is some information about our first few days of school and teacher contacts.
Students received an orientation on their first day of school outlining procedures, expectations, and information to assist in their academic success. Three topics received significant emphasis:
- Attendance. It is important to show up to school on time every day, or inform the school if you're unable to attend. A handout outlining attendance expectations, procedures, and helpful information was provided to students, and the same document was mailed home. This handout can also be found in the ALA front office.
- Security checks. It is important students check their pockets and bags before arriving to campus each day, as they will be searched upon entering campus. Vape pens, pocket knives, cigarettes, and other items are not allowed on campus, even for those who are 18 years or older.
- Support. Students have a long list of individuals to support them this school year, including teachers, administrators, counselors, programming staff, and more!
Transportation: This school year, the ALA has partnered with the Salt River Schools transportation team. If your student could benefit from rides to and/or from school, please contact the ALA front office at 480-362-2130. Your student's name will be placed on a list and provided to SRS Transportation for next steps.
Staggered Start School Day: All students are expected to attend the ALA for four class periods per day. There are two start times and two end times. This is based on need to accommodate work and home schedules. If attendance becomes an issue, we will re-evaluate the best start and end time for your student. Students also have the opportunity to arrive to school as early as 7:15 a.m. and stay until 5:30 p.m. This is offered on most days during the school year. Additionally, students can take advantage of 18 Saturday School sessions for extra support. These opportunities are used when students want to get ahead or if they have fallen behind.
Open House: On Tuesday, Sept. 17, the ALA will host an Open House from 1-3 p.m. This will give you an opportunity to tour the ALA and meet the staff who are committed to helping your students each day. More information to come!
Title VI Parent Committee (new!): The ALA is eligible to receive grant funds through Title VI each year. This is federal grant money provided by the U.S. government, and we want parents/guardians to serve on a committee and learn more about Title VI and other funds the school receives, how to use the money, and other information about the ALA. This committee will meet quarterly and will be discussed at the upcoming Open House. If you're interested in participating on the ALA Title VI Parent Committee, contact the ALA front office at 480-362-2130.
On-Track to Graduate (OTG): If your student is expected to graduate at the end of the school year (June 2025), they will be part of a monthly meeting session with various school staff. The purpose will be to ensure pictures, caps/gowns, etc., are ordered, decisions regarding senior dinner, etc. are made, and planning for post-secondary (after high school) is prioritized. These meetings will begin in September, so be on the lookout for additional information, if you are a parent with an OTG senior this school year.
Main Line: 480-362-2130
Barb Wilkinson, ALA Principal
[email protected]